When you are contemplating becoming a desktop musician or considering making music along with your computer then getting a MIDI keyboard is very appropriate. You've most likely seen them around in music providers, in advertising, or being played by musicians during concerts. But what exactly are they? Well they simply refer to a piano-style keyboard device utilized for sending (MIDI) signals over a USB or MIDI cable to other tools running on a single MIDI protocol interface - like your desktop computer just like that runs a digital audio workstation (DAW) software.
But keep in mind that not all the MIDI keyboard in the market has piano-style user interfaces. A variety of styles have pads or buttons that sense the speed of your fingers to minimize or raise play volume including the Continuum Fingerboard, a fretless design. Budget and comfort are 2 factors that most buyers are considering when they buy a unit. The higher your budget is, the better unit can probably get. But of course, not everyone has the money to burn, but don't worry, there are many units like the 49 that is really a practical choice.
For the rest of those who are deciding on the size, the number of keys will determine this. There are various types to choose from ranging from - 88, 76, 61, 49, 37 or 25. Usually the one you get is based on another factor - space. An 88 may be good but if you can't suit it within your studio (i.e. in front of your computer) then there's no requirement for something that big.
There are typically 3 types of key action - synth action, semi-weighted action and full weighted action. Synth action has light spring loaded keys that take little pressure to activate and normally go back to their positions immediately. This is actually good to those who play quite a lot of fast pieces and those who aren't really pianists by nature. Semi-weighted action MIDI keyboard has keys that include some level of resistance and comes back weaker than the synth action types.
Ultimately there's the full weighted action keys which mimics the mechanical action of typical pianos. It needs more pressure to experiment with and tend to be commonly utilized by people who play the piano and like the feel of 'real' piano keys.
Obviously you can forget about the knobs, buttons and sliders which help send out MIDI information and provide the user more hands-on control over everything associated with your controller such as the DAW software. This way you'll get real-time command in the sound making process unlike utilizing your computer's mouse control.
The number of knobs and buttons relies on utilization nonetheless the bare necessities ought to have the pitch and mod wheels and you can put up with a few sliders. As long as you are capable of correctly allocate synth programming it's easy to make the most of use of your MIDI keyboard.
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