Bicycles are one of the most common modes of transport used by thousands of people around the world. Cyclists, especially the ones driving at night face a lot of dangers due to low visibility. To safeguard cyclists, many companies have developed innovative products such as fiber flares to provide protection to nighttime drivers. These flares come in different colors and shapes and they catch the eye of the person even if he/she is 300 meters away. Some of the commonly used colors include red, green, blue, white, etc.
Inadequate side visibility is one of the major reasons why accidents happen at night. Common headlights can be seen only at an angle which makes driving at night a very risky thing. To put an end to all these problems, companies have introduced fiber flares that can be viewed from all the angles. The 360 degree illumination and other safety features make these lights a hot favorite among cyclists around the world. Fiber flares are lightweight and they have an excellent burn time of up to 75 hours. They come with additional accessories that include silicone slings, bags and clothing.
One of the major advantages of using fiber flare safety lights is that they are rechargeable and one can recharge it more than 500 times. The lights come with a USB cord that enables the cyclists to recharge the light anytime they want. Not only this, you can also purchase colorful and attractive helmet lights that offer excellent visibility and they also come with 150 hrs of burn time. So instead of using ordinary bicycle lights, you can switch to reliable and attractive fiber flares. Most of the online stores sell a host of other items that include landing pads, rear bike light, mushroom head slings and fiber flare ladder slings.
Purchasing fiber flare safety lights online is not a cumbersome task as one may think as it can be done at just the click of a mouse. All you need to do is visit the online store, choose the product that you like and make payments instantly. The product will be delivered to your doorstep within a few days based on your location. There are also options where you can check the status of your order online at the touch of a mouse. If you want to present something useful to someone, then fiber flare safety lights would be the right choice. Not only this, you can purchase gift cards online for $20, $25, $35, etc. So start purchasing fiber flare safety lights online right away without wasting a single minute!
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