Just download the ODIN software and the original firmware.
Download phone firmwareww. sammobile. com/firmware/?
Page = 3 & t = 1 & o = 1osa (
Select your model and region and download the original firmware for any version you like for e. g 2. 3.
3 Once downloaded, then extract all the files in a separate folder)
Download Odin v1. 85 -
Hong Kong (iPhone repair
Download and extract files in folders)
Follow the step-by-step steps of Macbook Repair Hong Kong to refresh the firmware of the Samsung phone with Odin.
Warning: please make sure the KIES are off and are not running in the system tray!
Keith did not like Odin. 1.
Just download the firmware version you want from the link above and extract it. tar or. tar.
The md5 file in the archive and save it somewhere. 2.
Restart the phone to download mode.
To do this, just turn off the device.
After fully off, press and hold the volume off key Home button and press the power button.
If you want to continue or reduce the volume to cancel, you should see a warning asking you to press the volume up and the volume up.
You are in download mode now! 3.
Open/run/start Odin. exe4.
Click on the PDA button to browse. tar or. tar.
If there are multiple packages, the md5 file extracted in step 1.
Tar archive will then mark them with PDA, phone/modem and CSC.
Put them in the corresponding section of odin5. DO NOT PUT.
PIT file, don\'t re-tickPARTITION.
Regardless of the firmware version, it is still the same method.
Connect the USB cable and wait for the ID: COM part in Odin to turn yellow 7.
Click Start to flash8.
Do not disconnect the cable or turn off the device, it will restart when the device is finished.
If you flash as suggested by iPhone Repair Hong kong, it won\'t wipe your phone. Note: Your phone will work properly once it is done.
If you see any errors like \"forced shutdown of xxx app\" or some features don\'t work, then there is no need to worry, just Reset the phone as suggested by iPad Repair Hong Reset to fix it by navigating to Settings> Privacy> factory data Reset to make factory settings. (
This will clear your app, messages, settings, contacts, photos, music, etc, so please back up first)
If anyone goes wrong or damages the phone during the Flash process, MacWin Technology does not take any responsibility.
If there is any problem with the phone, then try the process correctly step by step, and if it is still not fixed, take it to the nearest Samsung mobile service center.
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