
Why the USB Hub Power Adapter is Green

I was so curious why this USB hub power adapter is green. I believe you must have the same feeling with me. Just listen to this true story, then you will know.

Last month, a new neighbour who is a woman together with her dimentia child moved to our community.After that, we always listen to the boy said that his mother is green. Mother, how could be green? I am so curious about that. You must be the same.

Until one day, the district held on activity. Then we had a chace to visit the room of the boy.I was surprised to find that: a lot of indoor areas, and each of the home electrical switches, have been painted red and green.

Later his mother told us red is dangerous or inaccessible, while green represents security. For example, drinking fountains and bathroom water heater control valve that has been painted red at one end, while the warm end is painted green; refrigerator, cooked food which are painted green; home wiring board and the total gate power are painted red. Seeing our puzzled face, the child's mother told us that his son is very naughty, and has a lower ability to distinguish safety things and dangerous things.

Little by little, his son would try to stay away from red, to accept for the protection of green color. 'But, why choose green?' We continue to ask. 'I think, even if one day, my son was lost, never come back, he will not go across the street whe the light is red and will not hit by a car. At least I will know, somewhere in this world, my son is still, still good living.' By saying those, the mother voice choked, tears filled her eyes.

I was totally touched and moved by the mother's words and actions. Then I shared with this true story with my supplier Bob in China. When Bob knew this story, his company www.trait-tech.com quickly decided to produce a green USB hub power adapter. Not for others, just for the mother and her dimentia child. Then the green USB hub power adapter apperars. Just as picture shows as follows:

Bob from trait-tech.com

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