
ottawa moving on high-speed charging stations for electric cars

The federal Minister of Natural Resources says there is no time to waste building a high
Fast charging network for electric vehicles in Canada.
That\'s why Jim Carr plans to ask the private sector for advice this spring to develop a series of fast charging stations nationwide.
With the growth of electric vehicle sales, can our electric network bear the load?
Electric car boom drives charging surge
\"This is not something that the government can do alone, and we have no intention of trying to do it alone, Carl said in an interview with CBC News.
\"We think investing in electric vehicles is a prudent way, but being cautious doesn\'t mean you will take the time.
So we also understand the urgency.
Carl\'s Department received $62.
5 million of last month\'s federal budget was to \"support the deployment of alternative transportation fuel infrastructure in the next two years \".
Including projects to develop better charging infrastructure for electric vehicles.
He said it is time to take advantage of the growing interest in electric vehicles across the country.
To make it more affordable, to make sure people can go further, so when they get on the bus, they can go to the lake or to the place they want to go, and there will be a vehicle in the direction of half an hour or less.
\"According to the National Electric Vehicle advocacy group Plug \'n Drive, there are 18,451 electric vehicles on the road, mostly in Quebec, Ontario and B. C.
There are 3,513 charging stations, of which 102 are Tesla owners alone.
Only 51 of the total public charging stations are high
The type of speed that can charge the car in less than half an hour.
The vast majority are medium speed and it takes 4 to 6 hours to charge the vehicle.
\"The statistics will tell you that Canadians drive 50 kilometers or less a day . . . . . . So the range issue has nothing to do with a lot of people, \"the president of plug \'n Drive said in an interview with the CBC.
\"Most of us drive home and charge at night.
But she thinks the gap in the charging network is preventing many consumers from buying electric cars because they have \"mileage anxiety\" and worry that their cars will run out of power for a long timedistance drive.
\"We are all used to gasoline and we know the gas station is outside and we are not afraid of running out of gas.
With new sources of fuel, people will imagine that they will drive outside and they will think, where should I plug in?
\"The national network propaganda company has urged the federal government to build a network of fast charging stations where people will see and use them.
\"You want those stations to be in a place where you can stop to run errands and eat something, and your car will be charged when you come back.
This makes it very convenient . . . . . . I think it\'s going to really change things, \"said Cleman.
Quebec has been leading the way in building an electric vehicle infrastructure, followed by Quebec. C.
Ontario recently announced that it will spend $20 million to buy high last year.
Fast charging station.
CAA charging station locator tool, but the Minister of Natural Resources believes his federal department is passing a high
Fast charging network.
\"This is definitely a focus,\" Carl said . \"
\"You have to be practical.
You want to create an environment where Canadians can see that not only do they have the opportunity to help the planet become cleaner, but they also have the opportunity to help them get more sustainable ways.

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