
Advantages of The K3 Solar & Wind Charger

Some people may enquiry just what a K3 Solar Charger is and may assume that it is just another solar powered battery charger In truth, it is that and much more. How many numerous times have you been exercising, and your MP3 player has lost juice on you, or that darn portable device you can't breath without, unexpectedly starts alerting you that the battery is about to turn off? Generally, it is somewhere you cannot just power it up at, or it takes waiting for than you have time for.

This is the beauty the K3 portable solar charger comes to the rescue. It is three different chargers in one travel sized unit. You can plug it into an outlet and let the internal battery pack charge, but for your convenience, it also has a solar panel. As well as, a small wind turbine built right in. Yes, you heard right, a mini wind turbine. So even if there is not any sun, as long as there's some wind around, you can power up your devices. It will power anything that is 5 watts or less. All the adapters for your devices are stored inside the housing, so there's no worries about losing them.

Look, everybody is concerned about the environment these days, including the people who invented the K3 solar charger. While we want to find ways of going green, we still need our electronic gadgets, so there is constantly a fine line when it comes to powering these products. Batteries are not that eco friendly and it is hard to find places to recycle them. This is where this device comes in so handy.

Here are just some of the features that come with the K3. If you need to power up your mobile, it will power it in around five minutes. It can fully charge an MP3 player ten times before needing to power, or you can keep the unit itself topped off with the solar panel, or wind generator. It can also power hand held game systems, cameras, personal navigation devices, Blue tooth, but so much more!

The K3 Solar Charger has the largest rechargeable battery pack of any kind of product that may be similar to it. If there is not any wind or sun to recharge the battery pack, you can simply plug it into the USB outlet on your computer, or even plug it into your vehicle's cigarette lighter. It is recommended that when you first receive you charger that you fully charge it from a wall outlet, then you are ready to go. To keep it topped off, all you have to do is just leave it on the dashboard, or in a sunny window sill.

There are many extra features with the K3 solar charger. It comes with a convenient carrying bag, with a drawstring closure. It also has notches on the unit, so it can track the sun, and always be in direct sunlight. It also has a clip to attach to a backpack, so you can keep it charged will you are out hiking in the mountains.So by now you may be thinking, how much does something like the K3 solar charger cost? Well you will be shocked by the price, considering all that it does. You can pick up this unit for under $100, plus shipping.

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