
5 Ways to Boost Network Performance

You can take a number of measures to boost network performance at home or in your workplace. Even today's sophisticated wireless networks can be made more efficient. While many improvements are specific to network configuration, this article discusses five simple boosters that are applicable to almost any type of network.

Hardware Maintenance

Maintaining hardware regularly is necessary for optimum network performance. This includes cable installation and maintenance. A worn cable can slow down command processing greatly. In this case, it must be repaired. If repairs do not serve the purpose, new cable installation is a desirable solution to enhance the efficiency of the network.


To troubleshoot performance issues, invest in a spectrum analyzer that combines in-depth RF analysis with real-time WLAN information. This tool performs an impact analysis of RF interference and points out the root of the issues on the network. Spectrum analyzers are easily available in USB form factors, making them functional to troubleshoot and deploy on WLAN networks on laptop computers and tablet PCs alike.


A backup strategy ascertains that your network can continue to function in spite of a negative impact on the overall network. For instance, set up your internal computer network using both primary and secondary servers. The data captured by a primary server is also copied onto the secondary one. In case of a primary server failure, the secondary one gets automatically activated, allowing the network to remain active.

If your workplace experiences frequent power failures, invest in emergency power backup like an Uninterruptible Power Supply. This will mitigate the risk of damage to data or equipment and avoid costs and man-hours associated with any data loss and re-entry. A backup power system kicks in as soon as the main one shuts down, providing you up to an entire day of power to continue working seamlessly.


Archiving unused data frees up network resources. This, in turn, makes it easier for the network to execute commands and also allow you to work faster. Just ensure that archived data can be accessed and reloaded quickly and easily.

RAM Evaluation

Placing too much stress on the RAM adversely affects network performance. For example, increasing workstations on the network may place additional stress on the RAM. So, before adding any new computers to an existing network, it is a good idea to ensure you have enough memory for every station to be active and efficient when working all at once.

Incorporating these simple techniques will enhance network performance and, consequently, your work and profitability.

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